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Self-Propelled Mast Lift

  • CLP80J Low Noise Self-propelled Lift Platform Mast Lift Platform Height 8m >

    CHENLIFT the CLP-J series self-propelled single-column aerial working platform is suitable for indoor narrow space, with light body weight and compact collection size, The fuselage boom structure is welded with high strength alloy steel, which has the advantages of high strength and light weight. It has a working height of 8 m and a lateral operating radius of 3.2 m. The machine ADOPTS THE latest design of dual DC drive motor equipped with large torque reducer, with small input power, large out

  • CLP60J Low Noise Self-propelled Lift Platform Mast Lift Platform Height 6m >

    CHENLIFT the CLP-J series self-propelled single-column aerial working platform is suitable for indoor narrow space, with light body weight and compact collection size, The fuselage boom structure is welded with high strength alloy steel, which has the advantages of high strength and light weight. It has a working height of 8 m and a lateral operating radius of 3.2 m. The machine ADOPTS THE latest design of dual DC drive motor equipped with large torque reducer, with small input power, large out

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Your Safety, Our Focus
Beyond the physical high reach of our aerial work platform, CHEN LIFT thrives on the safety concerns and customer satisfaction since foundation.

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